Membres engagés pour un avenir durable, en commençant par leur entreprise.

Nos membres sont au cœur de notre mission de durabilité. Ils apportent leur expertise et leur engagement pour contribuer aux objectifs de développement durable au travers de leur business.

Groupes d'hommes et de femmes

Photographe : Michael Kalamo

Membres qui discutent

Liste des membres

Nos membres

Les membres actifs sont ceux et celles qui ont formalisé leur membership après deux sessions test. Ils paient un membership annuel et ont accès à l’ensemble de nos sessions, rapports, enregistrements, et aux groupes d’échanges exclusifs.

Nous mettons à jour notre liste de membres trois fois par an.

Dernière mise à jour :







Adriaensen Christophe G.I.M. Geographic Information Management CEO, Board member ICT
Amory Emmanuel GSK Chair Industry
Amory Louis Maisons Blavier CEO Construction
Andries Emmanuel d-side CEO Entrepreneurship
Autenne Alexia UCLouvain CEO Education
Baisier Jean Les Tartes de Françoise CEO Food
Baptist Filip Securex ex-CEO Employment
Beghin Olivier ISOHEMP SA CEO Industry
Belvaux Bernard Alstom CEO Mobility / Transport
Bernard Muriel eFarmz ex-CEO Food
Biebel Vanessa VBO FEB COO Other
Blackman George Realco CEO Hygiene and Water Treatment
Blake Thomas PLUO CEO Construction
Bocquet Xavier INVEST BW CEO Investment
Boone Jean-Pol Inoopa Board member Software
Bosly Eric Cosucra CEO Food
Bronchart Nicolas JEMA CEO Electronique de puissance
Buekens Jo Capten n.v. Board member Environment, Construction
Callens Isabelle TADA (Toekomst Atelier de l’Avenir); SFPI Board member, (co-)Founder ASBL & finances & énergie & DD



Chapelle musicale Reine Élisabeth


Chevalier Philippe N-SIDE CEO Consulting
Cleppert Caroline UCM CEO Entrepreneurship
Couchard Patrice SNCB Member of Executive commitee Mobility
Courtois Sabrina UCLouvain Other RSE
Crahay Jacques Cosucra Board member Industry
Crevits Philippe Belfius Board member Bank
Dallemagne Grégoire Luminus CEO Energy
de Bruyn Benoît Newtree Impact CEO, Chair Food
de Cartier Olivier COPAINS.GROUP CEO Food
De Cannière Bernard Helios Foundation Board member Other
de Corte Hadewig Koninklijke Muntschouwburg Board member Culture
de Lamotte Brieuc BeVet Chair, (co-)Founder Animals
De Wolf Werner Photinus Board member Industry
Debande Benoît CHIREC CEO Health
Deleers Vincent Lhoist CEO Industry
Philippe TUC RAIL CEO Construction
Deprez Valentine Greenyard Board member Food
Derenne Benoît Fondation pour les Générations Futures CEO Non-profit
Descampe Alexis FÄRM – Biotope CEO, Board member Food
Desclée Xavier Fondation Chimay Wartoise Board member Foundation
Desclée Isaline Groupe Jolimont Board member Healthcare
Desgris Anne-Laure Smart CEO, Board member Entrepreneurship



Waffle Factory Development


D’Hondt Sebastien HOWARD Board member Investment
Dimidschstein Fernand Biosphere Exponential Ventures CEO Venturing
Dossogne Sébastien Carmeuse CEO Industry
Dufrasne Romain Ecosteryl Board member Environmental
Foucart Philippe Technord CEO Energy
Frankl Magali The Shift CEO Other
Gangji Alexandre Leyton CEO Consulting
Gennart Marc-André CIT Blaton CEO Construction
Georgin Thibaut SNCB Chair Mobility
Gevart Olivier CREDAL Chair Social microcredit
Gobert Sandra Guberna CEO Governance
Grosjean Georges DO-STEP Srl CEO Energy
Haemers Jan Haemers Technologies CEO Environmental
Heindrichs Bénédicte SPW ARNE CEO Environment
Helson Alexandre Maison Dandoy CEO Food
Hermant Pierre Group finance& CEO Finance / Private Equity
Jérôme Pickard MCA RECYCLING CEO Environment
Jolly de Vaucleroy Françoise Châteaux Thermes & Golf sa CEO Tourism
Knoops Denis finance& Chair Investment
Kupisiewicz Axel Lasea CEO Health
Langer Luc Materia Nova asbl CEO Research
Lebrun Christophe Agoria C-level Business association
Legrain Olivier IBA CEO Medical
Lippens Natacha Finasucre Board member Agri-food
Lovens Philippe urbike CEO Cyclo-logistique
Mondet Gaetan asUgo CEO ICT
Mottet Pierre IBA Union Wallone des Entreprises Chair Medical Business association
Murillo Juan Carmeuse CEO Mining/Chaudfournier
Paternoster Guy Raffinerie Tirlemontoise CEO Food
Pestiaux Julien Climact / Ackermans & van Haaren Board member & Partner Other
Renier Philippe SILOX SA Board member Chemicals
Rouvez Frédéric EXKi CEO, Board member, (co-)Founder Food
Samyn Virginie Dotation Royale / Koninklijke Dotaties Board member Environmental
Sohier Chantal 2030 Project leader Non-profit
Somerhausen Patrick Funds For Good CEO Finance, Banking
Terrasse Emmanuel Thales Alenia Space Belgium ex-Chair Aerospace
Thioux Christine A-Th & Associates Human Resources Management CEO HR Services
Toully Véronique UCB Global Head of
Sustainability, Corporate
Affairs and Risks
Trinon Sophie Alpha Innovations SA ex-CEO Energy
Trinon Anne-Catherine Bedimo Board member Retail
van den Hove Sybille IBA Board member Medical
Van der Wielen Anne-Laure 2030 CEO Non-profit
Vanderijst Olivier Wallonie Entreprendre CEO Investment
Verbeke Vincent Engie CEO Energy